As readers know, the only thing that I care about on the earnings, or about anything else to do with the fundamentals, like analyst upgrades/downgrades, is the market's RESPONSE to them. Knowing the particulars isn't going to help me to make a trading decision.
The general consensus seemed to be that the earnings were "good." Some folks thought "very good." Knowing that doesn't help me to make a play. Looking at a chart does.
Knowing that we've had an upside technical breakout of the 2011 Falling Wedge, I was looking this morning for an opportunity to get long the stock if I thought that I had an entry that seemed reasonable. When FCX sold off on the "good news," that looked to me like profit-taking after the roughly 20% run-up that the stock has enjoyed, prior to earnings, during which time seven pattern targets in the daily chart have gotten MADE (more in the intraday charts).
"Buy the rumor of good earnings...sell the actual release of earnings."
Again, given that the recent technical breakout in the stock was bullish, where would it seem "likely" that FCX would get a bounce, after the early selloff, if it were going to get a bounce at all? The unfilled gap at 55.12 looked like a strong possibility for a bounce, so I placed an order to buy 2,500 shares at 55.15, slightly above the gap, in case it didn't get filled entirely. It didn't. The initial morning low was 55.21, just above my order, then FCX took off and rallied $1.48, to 56.68.
"The best laid plans of mice and men." CURSES!!!
After that rally, Ms. Market gave me another chance to have the stock at my order of 55.15, but I wasn't sure that I wanted it after seeing the stock sell off that much, from the 56.68 high. "Be careful what you wish for." It still was early in the session, though, so I went ahead and took the trade, but I wasn't interested in any nonsense, like seeing stock go very much below that 55.12 gap.
After filling the 55.12 gap, FCX continued to sell off, down to 54.77. UGH. That wasn't what I was "wishing for" at all. My expectation in the trade was for the 55.12 gap to get filled, then for the stock to rally smartly off that gap fill if the RESPONSE to the "good news" on earnings really was something "good." My plan wasn't going well at all, with the stock about eighty cents below the top of the 2011 Falling Wedge, so my trading plan became "Get outta the trade with the best gain that you think you can get, based on what you're seeing in the chart. Stop it out for a loss below 54.77."

What I was seeing in the chart was horizontal resistance at about 55.50 and the inverted, declining Exponential Moving Averages (Fibonacci 13, 21 and 34) up at the same area, the highest of which (the 34) was around 55.47. Given how unacceptably (to me) FCX was performing on "good news," I shaved my expections a bit and threw the trade in at 55.42, below 55.47-55.50 resistance. The afternoon highs after that were 55.55 and 55.51, so I "coulda" squeezed a little more out of the trade, but I was being mindful of what Ms. Market taught me on Wednesday about being greedy. I also "coulda" made a play for the top of the 2011 Falling Wedge, at 55.679, but I wouldn't have gotten it. LOL.

The final RESPONSE on the session to the release of earnings was a CLOSE back below the 2011 Falling Wedge, so The Bulls have a "Knuckle-Biter" on their hands, and the upside pattern targets go ON HOLD unless/until the stock can break out again above the top trendline. I don't make predictions about whether or not it will or it won't, or predictions about anything else, for that matter. I just try to play the market as best I can, and yesterday, the best that I could do was to throw the trade in on a "vote of no confidence" that the stock would be able to manage a CLOSE back above the breakout. It didn't.
"It ain't over 'til it's over." Tomorrow is another day...

Gain: $650
Thanks . .I see you are "human" :-) Well you ended up green all in all so I think that is good overall playing. Really interesting to follow along. Sorry about your air conditioning, too. Hope iittle Ryder isn't panting too much.
Good Morning, Mary,
Oh, I'm PLENTY human, believe me! I've got all of the "coulda ... shoulda ... wouldas" that we all have. LOL.
Have to go. It's Ryder's turn to fan me ;)
Have a great weekend, Mary!
Thanks, Melf . .I am taking the rest of the day off so see you Monday :-)
I misunderstood then because I thought
the 2011FW trend line rose up to that high. Calculating the numbers is the other part I got to get down because my timing is off and I feel I am w/o a map.
My error, I wasn't reading your instr clear enough or something to me was unclear and I didn't ask. When I give my full attention I'll get it in a minute. Will I fully get the explanations below?
thx as usual (tau)
(My error, I wasn't reading your instr clear enough or something to me was unclear and I didn't ask. When I give my full attention I'll get it in a minute. Will I fully get the explanations below?)
I don't know what you mean by "Will I fully get the explanations below?" If your question gets into the realm of "private tutoring" and/or is going to take a lot of my time, you will forgive me for begging off on a full explanation. Yeeks. LOL.
Slow-w down, my friend. Try re-reading the posts. You aren't going to learn this stuff all at once, and I don't think that any of us ever learns it entirely.
Melf, My question was, are the explanations that you gave in the one post below?
(Melf, My question was, are the explanations that you gave in the one post below?)
My apologies, but I still don't understanding what you're asking me. Explanations of what? Where the trendline is now? I've been posting the data points for the top trendline. Several of them appear on the Ichimoku chart. Just keep subtracting 0.04325 from where the trendline was the PRIOR day.
If you're asking me to explain how to calculate a slope, I answered your question about that at the FCX board when Roger (Chubbon) asked me the same question. I said that I've posted how to do that in the past, but that new readers wouldn't be aware of that. I said that I'm trying to think of a way to give that explantion and put it somewhere so that I don't have to keep explaining it and asked that you guys hang on until I figure out how to do that.
Again, I apologize, but I don't know what it is that you're asking me.
(Do you know of the Bullish Kicking Pattern and if so, do you see it formed in the last 3-4 days. This is a bullish reversal pattern that marks a potential change in trend).
I didn't see this question that you posted a couple of days ago.
You can answer a lot of your questions for yourself and save me time in the process, which I would greatly appreciate, if you do the research.
Google is a particularly good resource. I typed in "Bullish Kicking Pattern," and here's what I got. Look at the pattern and read the full description carefully, and that will answer your question. While you're reading it, please picture the amount of time that it would take me to type it all out when it's readily available on the internet. Thank you for your consideration ;)
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